Comparison charting compares two or more instruments and/or expressions. Then, you can quickly do a spread, average, or comparison ratio on them with just a click of a button rather than manually creating a user-defined function each time you want to compare data on several instruments. In addition, the Focus List that attached itself to
General Features
Selecting Chart Instruments
Symbols on the chart can easily be selected so that various functions can be applied to all the activated instruments at the same time. Click on the “diamond” activation icon next to the chart symbol in the Quote Window. When the “diamond” is activated, right mouse click to adjust the properties for that instrument. Only
Chart Time Interval
The Chart Time Interval is located in the lower right corner of the chart. Changing the Time Interval: There are several ways to change the chart interval: From the Context Toolbar: Select one of the time intervals from the context tool bar at the bottom of the chart window. Entering the time frame in the
Horizontal Scrolling on a Chart
You can view data in a chart window by moving the x-axis in three different ways: Click or Drag the Scroll Bar Horizontal scroll bars are an optional display that let you quickly view different sections of a chart. Take the following steps to add or remove the scroll bar: Right-click on x-axis and select
Chart Data Window and Cross Hairs
Adding a Chart Data Window and Cross Hairs to a chart lets you more accurately determine values at any point in it. These are independent displays and can be used together or separately. By default the Chart Quote Window displays when you create a chart. A Chart Data window gives you a readout of values
Duplicating a Chart or Tabular Display
You can make a duplicate of your current chart: Select Charts/Chart or Charts/Tabular on the Main Menu Bar. Create the chart or tabular display, Adding any studies, line studies, etc. Right-Click/Duplicate Chart or Right-Click/Duplicate Tabular The chart or tabular display will be duplicated on the same page.
Adding a Study to a Chart
A chart study is a function attached to the base chart of your window that uses markers, text, graph coloring, and alerts to indicate when conditions you have specified are met. To Add a Study do either of the following: Right-click on a blank spot in the chart, then select Add Study In the Add
Right-Click Chart Selections
Most of the attributes you can apply to a chart are done with a right-click in a blank area of the chart. When you right-click, a menu will display: Some of the selections have been condensed. Click on the right arrow next to those selections to expand it and choose the appropriate attribute. Each
Adding a Symbol to a Chart
You can add a Symbol to an existing chart window and place it in a new stack or overlay it on an existing one. Ways to Add a Chart to a Chart Window In the Chart Itself: Right click and Add Symbol Right-click on a blank area of the chart and select ADD SYMBOL from
Changing a Chart Symbol
To change a symbol in a current chart, just starting typing the new symbol anywhere in the chart. You will see the <Symbol or Expression> box appear in the lower left hand corner. Hit Enter Tip: When you enter the beginning character of a symbol ProphetX will display all symbols that you previously entered and