Exchange Symbol | Type | ProphetX Symbol |
USA/A | Class A | USA.A |
USAp | Preferred Shares | USA- |
USAp/CL | Preferred Shares Called | USA-.CL |
USApA | Preferred Shares Class A | USA-A |
USApA/CL | Preferred Shares Class A Called | USA-A.CL |
USA/CL | Called | USA.CL |
USAr | Rights | USA.R |
USA/U | Units | USA.U |
USA/WS | Warrants | USA+ |
USA/WS/A | Warrants Class A | USA+A |
USA/WD | When Distributed | USA.W |
USAw | When Issued | USA* |
Exchange Symbol | Type | ProphetX Symbol |
USA/02 | USA02 | |
USA/02.CL | Called | USA02L |
USA/02.CV | Convertible | USA02V |
USA/02.CV.CL | Convertible Called | USA02VL |
USA/02.EX | Exchangeable | USA02X |
USA/02.EX.INT | Exchangeable Internote | USA02EI |
USA/02.INT | Internotes | USA02I |
USA/02.REG | Regulatory | USA02R |
USA/02.WD | When Distributed | USA02WD |
USA/02.WI | When Issued | USA02WI |
USA/A | Bonds (AMEX) | USA.A |
USA/U | Units (AMEX) | USA.U |
Candian Stocks
Exchange Symbol | Type | ProphetX Symbol |
CAN.A | Class A | C.CAN.A |
CANi | Installment Receipts (Toronto) | C.CAN.IR |
CANp | Preferred Shares | C.CAN- |
CANpA | Preferred Shares Class A | C.CAN-A |
CANpU | Preferred Shares Trades in US$ | C.CAN-US |
CANr | Rights | C.CAN.R |
CAN.R | Subscription Receipts | C.CAN.SR |
CAN.T | Inactive | C.CAN.T |
CAN.U | Trades in US$ | C.CAN.US |
CANu | Units | C.CAN.U |
CANw | Warrants | C.CAN+ |
CANwA | Warrants Class A | C.CAN+A |
CAN.W | When Issued | C.CAN* |
CANt | Notes | C.CAN.NT |
CANtA | Notes | C.CAN.NTA |
CANo | Notes | C.CAN.NO |
CANoA | Notes | C.CAN.NOA |
CANs | Notes | C.CAN.NS |
CANsA | Notes | C.CAN.NSA |
CANj | Subordinate Voting Shares | C.CAN.SV |
CANjA | Subordinate Voting Shares A | C.CAN.SVA |
CANk | Restricted Voting | C.CAN.RV |
CANkA | Restricted Voting Shares A | C.CAN.RVA |
CANl | Limited Voting Shares | C.CAN.LV |
CANlA | Limited Voting Shares A | C.CAN.LVA |
CANm | Multiple Voting Shares | C.CAN.MV |
CANmA | Multiple Voting Shares A | C.CAN.MVA |
CANn | Non-Voting Shares | C.CAN.NV |
CANnA | Non-Voting Shares A | C.CAN.NVA |
CANuP | Capital Pool Trust | C.CAN.UNP |
Exchange Symbol | Type | ProphetX Symbol |
CANd | Debentures (bonds) | C.CAN.DB |
CANdA | Debentures Class A | C.CAN.DBA |
Exchange Symbol | Type | ProphetX Symbol |
INDU | Dow Jones based indexes | INDU.X |
SPX | CBOE based indexes | SPX.XO |
Market Statistics – Symbol Breakdown
D C A D .Z ________ Stats identifier – identifies symbol as a Market Stat
| | | |
| | | |_________________ Detail – specifies type of value
| | | A – advances
| | | D – declines
| | | U – unchanged
| | | T – total
| | | H – Highs (used with type F only)
| | | L – Lows (used with type F only)
| | |
| | |____________________ Exchange ID – identifies exchange
| | A – AMEX
| | B – BSE
| | C – CBOE
| | D – Dow Jones
| | I – CINN
| | K – NASDAQ Others
| | N – NYSE
| | O – NASDAQ 3rd Market
| | P – PSE
| | Q – NASDAQ Combined
| | T – TSE
| | W – CSE
| | X – PHLX
| | 5 – NASDAQ 100 (Volume, Advances/Declines, and Net Tick only)
| | 6 – S&P 500 (Volume, Advances/Declines, and Net Tick only)
| |
| |_______________________ Basis – identifies the type of instruments on which the statistic is based:
| C – Calls (OPTIONS ONLY)
| I – Issues (EQUITIES ONLY)
|____________________________Type – specifies the type of statistic
- A – Average Price
- D – Dollar Volume
- F – New 52 Week Highs or Lows
- I – Issues (Advances/Declines)
- J – Net Tick (Totals only)
- T – Ticks
- S – Put/Call Index
- V – Volume
Futures & Future Options – Symbol Breakdown
@C H 23 P 7600 __________________ Strike Price (Future Options only)
| | | |
| | | |________________________________ (P)ut or (C)all (Future Options only)
| | |
| | |______________________________________ Year (double digit) (ten+ year projection possible)
| |
| |_________________________________________ Month (single letter)
| F – Jan
| G – Feb
| H – Mar
| J – Apr
| K – May
| M – Jun
| N – Jul
| Q – Aug
| U – Sep
| V – Oct
| X – Nov
| Z – Dec
|______________________________________________ Commodity Identifier (Can be up to 3 characters)
Future Spreads – Symbol Breakdown
@CH23@CZ23 ___________________ Far Month Future Contract
|___________________________________________ Near Month Future Contract
Forex – Symbol Breakdown
T GBP USD 12M ___________________ Period (blank for spot)
| | |
| | |_________________________________ Currency code
| |
| |__________________________________________ Currency code
|________________________________________________ Exchange – source
T – Tullett
B – Barclays Bank
H – HotSpot
LME Metal Forwards
M.AA 2M 27 =LX
| | | |___________________
| | | =LX Select Composite (ex. M.AA0=LX)
| | | =MT Matched Trade (ex. M.AA0=MT)
| | | __________________________ Interval
| | 0 Cash Spot
| | 3 3 Month Composite
| | 15 15 Month Composite
| | 27 27 Month Composite
| | 63 63 Month Composite
| |
| |__________________________________ Session
| 1M First Morning Ring (ex. M.AA1M0)
| 2M Second Morning Ring (ex. M.AA2M0)
| 1A First Afternoon Ring (ex. M.AA1A0)
| 2A Second Afternoon Ring (ex. M.AA2A0)
| KM Morning Kerb (ex. M.AAKM0)
| KA Afternoon Kerb (ex. M.AAKA0)
| none Composite or Spot (ex. M.AA0)
|____________________________________________ Metal Commodity
M.AA Aluminum Alloy
M.AL Aluminum-High Grade
M.CU Copper
M.NA NA Aluminum Alloy
M.NI Nickel
M.PB Lead
M.SN Tin
M.ZN Zinc