DTN FastRack symbols are either 16 or 9 characters long. The tables below outline what the characters in the symbols represent.
The 16 character symbols are composed of all the following characters in the table below.
Example Symbol: GMNAL0C62165005F
- G = Gross
- MN = Minnesota
- AL = Alexandria
- 0C = Low Sulfur #2 Clear Winter Blend 62
- 62 = Texaco Branded B
- 165 = Alexandria 00
- 00 = no partner identifier
- 5F = Williams
9 character symbols are composed of the 1st 4 characters in the table below, plus a Summary Identifier
Example Symbol: GMIMU0O0A
- G = Gross
- MI = Michigan
- MU = Muskegon
- 0O = Conv 87 Unleaded Octane
- 0A = Contract Average
# of Characters | Content |
1 | G (gross) or N (net) |
2 | Rack State |
2 | Rack Abbreviation |
2 | Product Indentifier |
2 | Supplier Identifier |
3 | Terminal Identifier |
2 | Partner Identifier |
2 | Owner Identifier |
2 | Summary Identifier (9 Character Symbols Only) |