To Change Row Height

Place the pointer between row headers on the line you want to move. When the cursor changes to the arrow as pictured below, drag the line up or down.

Tip: To select rows or change row size, the row header column must be visible on the window.  This is the grayed column on the left side of the sheet.

To turn row headers on or off, right-click in the window and select SHEET PROPERTIES from the pop-up menu.

Make appropriate changes under the Title tab of the Properties dialog.

To Replace a Row

You can select a cell that already contains a symbol and replace it with another. When you press the Enter key, the data for the new symbol will replace the previous data.

To Add a Blank Row

  • Click on a row number to select a row (the new row will be inserted directly above this one).
  • Right-click and click Insert Row

To Delete a Row

  • Select row(s), and right-click.
  • Click Delete Row

To Change Row Height

  • Drag the border between two row numbers up or down.

To Automatically Arrange Rows by Values

  • Select the column you want to use for the sort, then right-click and select the desired sort mode.

Cell Column, Row, and Sheet Property Precedence

The Quote Window properties precedence is the following:  Cell, Column, Row, and Sheet.

For example, if the Cell Properties are changed first, and then the Sheet Properties are changed, the Cell Properties will have precedence and will not change.

In another example,  if the Column Properties are changed, then the Row Properties, the column properties will still have precedence.

Tip:  Changing the properties on individual pages will over-ride selections in the Preferences.

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